If there ever was a day to be at the West Gwinnett Park Aquatic Center, August 26th, 2018 was that day! The 7th Annual Atlanta Kids Triathlon began bright and early at 6:15 am with the Junior Session and concluded the day’s events at 12:30 pm with the Senior Session awards ceremony. This year’s event maintained the ranking of 3rd largest children’s triathlon in the United States, posting their best numbers yet. Registration was at an all-time high of 1,421 participants, most of which were from the state of Georgia, with over 300 participants coming from Gwinnett County! This event would not have been possible without their 269 volunteers who put in a combined 1,103 hours of volunteer work. Kudos to all involved, for such an inspiring and successful event right here in Gwinnett County!
Atlanta Kids Triathlon 2018 Event RecapJenny Dougherty2020-06-07T01:37:02-04:00